The Farting Goose 放屁鹅

Following (after) high/strong winds there’s always a lot of things thrown up or washed-up on the coastline.  Tons and tons of kelp 海带 have been ripped/torn/pulled from the seabed and thrown onto the shore.  Kelp is is a tall seaweed 海草 that can be used to make iodine 碘

Masses (a lot..) of kelp that has been thrown up onto the shore
There’s more than kelp that gets thrown ashore.  In the photo below, Dingo the dog looks to be sitting (appears to be sitting on…) on black sand.  It isn’t sand. It’s coal dust 煤尘.  During storms at sea coal is ‘broken free’ from the seabed by the waves.  Eventually it becomes ‘worn down’ into small pieces the size of grains of sand.
Sitting on coal dust                                     Larger pieces of coal thrown up by the sea
 Of course, high winds (strong winds) also affects wildlife, particularly sea-birds.  Whilst walking along the rocks I came across (encountered/met/found) a bird sitting on a rock.  At first I thought it was a seagull 海鸥 but then I noticed it didn’t have a curved beak 弯嘴.  The bird was standing on a rock near where rain water dripped down 滴 from the ground above.  In everyday English we could say the bird appeared to be in a ‘bad way – a distressed condition.

Standing on a rock next to dripping/trickling fresh water … and like a seagull or duck, it has webbed feet
It’s not a seagull.  It’s called a pink-footed goose … because it’s a goose  with pink feet …
It was possible to get close enough to touch it.  It appears to have lost the sight in its left eye – probably during the high winds it was blown into the cliffs 悬崖 and injured.  Geese (plural of goose) aren’t marine 海洋 (sea) birds as such.  They tend to spend most of their time on muddy 浑  estuaries 河口 and freshwater lakes.


The pink-footed goose is not native to the UK.  They migrate from Iceland 冰岛 – they are migratory birds.  They ‘roll up/turn up’ (come-visit) in October and stay during the winter- and return to Iceland in April.

What to do with the goose?  It was going to die, probably.  A fox 狐狸 lives near to where it was standing on the rocks.  A goose would be a very nice meal for a fox …  I simply picked the goose up and took it home.  It was very weak and didn’t struggle or panic.  It was also very dehydrated 脱水 (thirsty…) and drank lots of water when I got it home.  It also ate a little bit of food.  It also farts 放屁 a lot .  I thought it was my dog making the farting noises .. but no, it was the goose.

Will the goose live or die?  Will it recover it’s strength and fly away in a couple of days?  Will it stay at my home and have farting competitions with the dog?  Who knows ..                                                                                    

‘It’s not me farting -it’s the goose!’

    The goose has its own box to sleep in …


About weifangren

Sometimes visit China to teach. My QQ is 859150907
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